What is veterinary acupuncture?

Use of acupuncture has become more common around the world, either alone or in conjunction with Western medicine. It can be used as a preventative medicine or treatment to relief certain symptoms. Same as human, there are multiple acupuncture points locate on the body of both large and small animal (e.g., Horse, dogs, and cats).

These acupuncture points connect to internal organs via different meridians or channels. Many of these meridian traces the paths of the body’s major nerve trunks. Placing needles on these acupuncture points can stimulate healing process and provide analgesic effect.

Acupuncture can be used on some functional diseases. The most common conditions that show positive responses include traumatic nerve injuries, intervertebral disc disease, osteoarthritis, facial paralysis, vestibular syndrome.

If your pets are in an emergency or if you have general inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Veterinary Emergency Centre.

General Hotline: 2334-2334

24-Hour Emergency Hotline: 6828-6620

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