Wellness testing includes blood tests and other diagnostic tests that can detect early disease in senior pets that appear healthy and have no obvious clinical signs.
Illness and diseases can be masked in the early stage of disease in cats. If a disease can be detected early on, steps can be taken to slow down the progression of the disease. Wellness testing is important in senior cats that are over 7 years old as they have a higher chance of developing chronic disease.
Wellness testing can be performed during your cat’s annual visit to the veterinarian for physical examination and vaccination.
Tests that can be included for wellness testing for older cats include complete blood count (CBC), biochemistry profile, urinalysis, thyroid hormone testing, blood pressure and early kidney function test (SDMA). It is recommended to do more comprehensive testing for older cats as they have a higher risk of underlying disease.
Complete Blood Count (CBC) gives information about the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets number. It can test for anemia (decrease red blood cell), infection (increase white blood test) and clotting problem (decrease in platelet number).
Biochemistry profile helps to detect diseases such as diabetes, kidney and liver disease. If abnormalities are detected, more diagnostic tests such as radiographs and ultrasounds will be recommended. Blood pressure monitoring can detect an increase in blood pressure which is common in older cats.
SDMA tests for early kidney function loss as early as 25% loss of function. Urinalysis tests for kidney function and if there is any diabetes or infection present. Kidney function test and urinalysis allow a more complete assessment of kidney function which is important as there is higher chance of kidney disease in older animals.
Thyroid problems are also common in older cats. Thyroid hormone testing gives information about the thyroid hormone level in the blood. Cats usually suffer from hyperthyroidism (high levels of thyroid hormone).
Wellness testing is a straightforward way of monitoring your older cat’s health. Early detection of disease can lead to early treatment and delay in the progression of disease and to ensure your pet will have a healthy and active life.
VEC has launched an Adult Cat and Dog Wellness Plan for owners to know more your pet’s health.
If your pets are in an emergency or if you have general inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact Veterinary Emergency Centre.
General Hotline: 2334-2334
24-Hour Emergency Hotline: 6828-6620